Sunday, September 8, 2013

Shine Bright Like a Diamond... or Ruby :)

I recently had the privilege to travel to Washington D.C. with my family. We did the Smithsonian Museum's and visited The Museum of Natural History. One exhibit displayed various beautiful diamonds, rubies, and other rare and precious gems from all over the world. All of these were considered to be highly valuable and were the most shiny, bright, and sparkly gems I had ever seen in my life. They were so beautiful you could hardly look away from them. This exhibit was by far the most crowded with spectators pressing in to gaze upon the beautiful and bright gems.
I thought of this trip to the museum and recalled the sparkle of these gems when I read the following passage.
Proverbs 31:10 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
The bible says that a wife with noble character is worth far more than these precious rubies at the museum, so it made me think then how much more brightly should she shine? I realize that as a wife striving to imitate the wife of noble character that I am to sparkle and shine brighter than those gems. I too, am called to shine like a precious gem reflecting God's light in my home to my husband and children. This is a high calling as it is not always the easiest thing to do. Especially when you are tired, frustrated, emotional, or just plain ole overwhelmed. Shining bright like God commands can be so challenging, but overcoming these feeling and pushing through to shine bright like a precious ruby is what makes us so valuable to God. This helps me not to give up, but to stay polished so I can reflect the light and shine bright for God everyday! This helps me Live Happily Ever After...I pray you live Happily Ever After too.
Lots-of-Love, Isca

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fun Family Devotional

Hi Everyone, A fun family devotional is a great way to connect with your family and set the tone and standard for Righteousness. We have a family devotional almost every week. This was one we did together that was pretty fun, sparked some great conversation, and taught a valuable lesson on walking in the light. I thought I would share.
Title: Light & Dark, Sin & Forgiveness
Text: 1 John 1: 5-10
Ice Breaker: 1. Take two people have them close their eyes and put them on opposite sides of the house. 2. Have them open their eyes and find each other. (In the light) 3. Then take the same two people and blind fold them 4. Place them on opposite sides of the house and find each other without removing the blind fold. (in the dark) • Do this till everyone has a chance to participate
Read 1 John 1:5-7 Light and Darkness, Sin and Forgiveness 5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 6 If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all[a] sin.
Discussion Questions:
Q. What does it mean when it says “God Is Light”?
He is pure, sinless, and visible to us all
Q. Why is there no darkness in him at all? What does this mean?
There is no sin, no shame, no guilt. God has nothing to hide.
Q. What is the darkness?
Evil, sin, shame, guilt
Q. What does the word fellowship mean?
Dictionary Definition is A group of people meeting to pursue a shared interest or aim.
Q. Can God have fellowship with the darkness?
Q. Why not?
Light and darkness are in opposition to one another. If God is light he can not pursue or share an interest or aim with the darkness or anything in the darkness
Q. How can we walk in the darkness?
When we conceal or hide our sin. By refusing to bring it to the light out of our fear of man, judgment, persecution, and consequence.
Q. Can we have fellowship with God if we are walking in darkness?
Q. How can we walk in the light?
Confess our sins. Expose it. Own it. Be free from it.
Q. How does walking in the light let us have fellowship with one another?
When we are in the light as God is in the light we are visible and plainly seen by everyone. If we are in darkness we are hidden and unseen. People are not able to have fellowship with us because they can’t see who we truly are. Even if we fake it or pretend, no one is truly having fellowship with you because you are still in the dark.
Read 1 John 1:8-10 8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.
Q. Does walking in the light mean we never sin?
Q. Should anyone claim to be without sin?
Q. What do we do about our sin?
Confess to one another
Q. What happens when we do this?
The blood of Jesus can work to purify us.
Q. What are people who claim to be perfect or without sin actually saying about GOD?
That God is a liar and that we have no need for a savior.
God is perfect, He is in the light and everything in all creation is very clear to him. Our sin is not what puts us in the dark, it is our heart to hide our sin and pretend to be perfect when we are not. Everyone sins, in fact if we claim to be without sin we are actually calling God a liar and telling him that we have no need for the blood of Jesus to cleanse us and make us righteous. In order to walk in the light as he is in the light we need to just be open about who we really are and know that we have a savior that came to purify us of all our sins so we can have fellowship with God and each other.
I hope this helps you live Happily Ever After today...Lots-of-love, Isca

Press On

Where do you start when you haven't spoken to a good friend in a long time? Starting from the beginning seems so far back, you almost don't want to talk at all. So I say instead of picking up where you left off, why not just begin right where you are. The good and the bad times come and they go, but we all move forward. It always boggled my mind how the world and everyone in it just keeps going. Even if things in your life happen to stop you in your tracks everything else keeps moving forward. That's true with me also. Thankfully nothing has stopped me in my tracks, although I have had my fair share of missteps and stumbles, but I continue pressing on. This reminds of Paul's words in the book of Philippians:
Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
This scripture reminds me that I am not just pressing on toward some meaningless goal or insignificant prize or award that will sit on some shelf in my house collecting dust. But I am pressing on toward the goal to win the prize for which God himself has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. That is pretty amazing! So then, I encourage you to keep pressing on and live happily ever after today. Love, Isca

Sunday, March 3, 2013


So I'm hearing the song "Welcome Back" from the old show called "Welcome Back Carter". (You tube it if you don't know.) It's been a while since my last post and I'm hearing this song because I wanted to welcome you all back as well. Truth is I have been gone simply because there has been so many things going on. Update: My husband has now completed the Radiation therapy and is also out of the seven day quarantine. The whole experience has been exhausting to say the least. I'm hopeful we have reached the end of this journey and pending one final result from a body scan, are anxiously awaiting a cancer free diagnosis. So much has happened in such a short period of time and thinking back there were definitely moments where I thought we couldn't do it. Moments like when my husband was on his second week of the Iodine Free diet and on the fourth day of quarantine and he was feeling so nauseas. He couldn't stand to eat anything and I spent 2 hours preparing an iodine free chicken stew that would taste like the real thing and prevent him from barfing. Thankfully, when he finally ate it, he said it tasted so good he nearly wept. Then to top it off he was struggling with flu like symptoms the entire time and no one could come near him to comfort him. Not to mention I was super displaced and left bunking with my daughter for the week and all my clothes were in the hall. In addition to all this, I was still working a full time schedule and without fail had drama at the office every single day. And as if I needed more icing on my already loaded cake, I had to manage this household, deal with a flat tire, failed inspection on my van, passed due registration, speeding ticket, kids events, and do my part in helping with entertainment at my church's upcoming Women's Day. I can tell you I had many moments crying out to God in my car just for some strength to keep moving. All we could do was take it one day at a time until we finally got to today. Today my husband came to church with me and for the first time looked more like his pre-thyroid cancer self. He starts work again tomorrow and we are looking forward to moving on from this whole ordeal. Yes, he will need to take medication daily and follow-up with his endocrinologist regularly, that has changed but it doesn't mean we can't live a normal life. I hate to admit that I had my moments of doubt and discouragement but I did. I had those moments when I doubted Gods Love for me and my family and questioned whether or not He really loved me cause if He did love me why was he allowing us to go through all of this. This scripture came to mind:
Psalm 34:17-19 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all;
This Scripture reminded me that no matter what I'm going through I am not alone because the Lord is close to me and my family. This scripture brings me encouragement and gives me the courage to be faithful during times of trouble having faith and confidence that the Lord will deliver us. I now know that God allowed us to go through this time to show me His glory, power, and faithfulness. In the future when troubles come my way I know that I can count on My God to be close to me and I will wait on him to deliver me from them all. This helps me live Happily Ever After no matter what I face. I pray you live happily ever after too. Lots-of-Love, Isca

Monday, February 18, 2013

FOR BETTER or worse

Whoever wrote these wedding vows definitely knew what they were talking about. They must have known that EVERY marriage was going to face periods of “better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and health” Even still there is a part of me that foolishly thinks that after 21 years of being together and 12 years of marriage that we have moved past the worse, poorer, or sickness part of the vow. Then I realize we haven’t. This past weekend my husband and I had the privilege to get away for a whole weekend marriage retreat. He and I have been so super excited about this little get-a-way for weeks. The weekend together had been all we have had to look forward to since the thyroid cancer diagnosis. Over the weekend we definitely had some great moments where we were able to reconnect, talk, and just have some fun together (Better). We also had some moments were we struggled with one another , were less than patient, and even had some hurt feelings(Worse). Over the weekend I kept hearing the following scripture being read in the classes: Ephesians 5:21-24
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Vs33b and the wife much respect her husband.
I must confess that as a young disciple I did not appreciate this scripture at all. I viewed submitting to my husband as something only a stupid, weak women would do. Not me. I realized over time and through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ that it takes so much strength and wisdom to be able to submit. I am still growing in this area and was reminded of that this weekend. The amazing thing is that I have begun to see my faith in God built up whenever I let go of my will and submit to Him by submitting to my husband. Knowing that by submitting to my husband I am submitting ultimately to God helps me to speak to my husband with respect in my word choices, tone, and facial expression. This scripture empowers me with the tools needed to allow my husband to feel respected and in turn I can feel my husbands love for me grow more and more each time I show him I respect him. Respecting him is my choice. I once read that in the heat of the moment, I can choose to stand up for my rights or I can stand up for what is Righteous. One will probably make my husband resent me and the other will help him to love me as Christ loved the church. Over the past years all I continue to learn is that in marriage we will always have our ups and downs but ultimately its not about giving up on our marriage but rather giving up on my will and submitting to God so that through Him, we can have so many more days of "Better, Richer, and Health" and live happily ever after. I hope you lived happily ever after today too. Lots-of-love, Isca

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


The famous response to anyone who says "Who ya gonna call?" has always been "Ghostbusters", but lately I find myself asking myself that same question..."Isca, who ya gonna call?" It seems that recently my life has been giving some truth to the saying "it gets worse before it gets better", because this week has gone from bad to worse and then back to ok again. My Husband is now on a low iodine diet which is basically the step before they begin radiation therapy to kill the remaining cancer cells. As a result of this missing element in his body he will begin to feel very fatigued, dizzy, and disorientated among many other symptoms. This is the last phase of it all (Lord Willing) and then we will be able to stabilize his thyroid levels and hopefully get back to our normal life. In the meantime, and in the midst of all this, God has allowed some pretty major heart issues like pride, selfishness, arrogance, disrespect and foolishness to be exposed in some of my daughters. I know that God has allowed these things to be exposed so they can get their hearts discipled early on these heart sins and for that I am very grateful. But all of these issues can begin to make me think that although we are not out of the woods, shouldn't we at least start to see the edge of it? Every time I think I see the edge of this scary and unknown forest, something else happens and reminds me that the edge is still far away. It is during these times that I am reminded of the scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:7
For we live by faith, not by sight.
I think it's very easy for anyone to get lost in the forest of life that is often filled with scary things. This scripture reminded me that it's not about what I see because what may seem like an obstacle will probably end up being a blessing. I find comfort in knowing that "when there is something strange in the neighborhood..." (like it says in the Ghostbusters song) who I'm gonna call is on God and on my fellow brother's and sisters in Christ whom God has called so we may help one another in our time of need. Fortunately, I not only have a very strong family unit I also have a very strong church family unit with many sisters willing to step in and serve my family. We have received so many meals and calls it was almost overwhelming in a positive way. But even more than that I find comfort in knowing that I can call on sisters to help me get to my daughters hearts and who will work with me to ensure my family is walking on the narrow path. So when push comes to shove, who Isca is gonna call will not be Ghostbusters but my God in heaven who is not only a fear buster but a faith builder. May you live Happily After today. Love Isca

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Reflection of Me

Raising Godly children is a very difficult task. Every stage of motherhood has had it's own unique challenges and rewards even without adding in the additional challenge of raising them to fear and respect the Lord. I heard it said today that God gave us children not because we are amazing parents but so that our children can be a reflection of us so that through them we can better see who we really are before God. However, seeing them for who they really are is not an easy task. It's so easy to get caught up in the fact that we love them that we can often overlook their sins. Over the years and with the help of my husband, sisters in the church, family, and God's word I have been able to really "see" the character of my children. I must admit many times I am really happy with what I see. Those are the times when I see them considering others above themselves, when I see them loving one another, loving God, being respectful, serving others, and just doing their best. These are also the times when I get compliments from people on how wonderful my children are or when they receive an award or recognition that puts a smile on my face from ear to ear. But God expects me to also "see" the truth about their sin as well. Like acknowledging my daughter is being arrogant when she thinks she can go a day without reading her bible or praying. Or when I have to admit my daughter is manipulative when she pressures me to give into her request even after I have repeatedly said no. Or seeing that my daughter is disrespectful for talking back and rolling her eyes ever so slightly. I have to very diligent about seeing the truth in their hearts so that I may be able to train them in righteousness. This reminds me of the scripture:
1 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
It is my job as their mom to ensure my girls are thoroughly equipped for every good work. This is also God's way of ensuring I am thoroughly equipped as well. I can see my reflection in my girls in so many ways. Every time God allows me to see something new in their heart it forces me to evaluate that in my heart as well. I find encouragement in knowing that as time goes on my reflection gets better and better. Lord willing my daughters will impress the fear of the Lord on their children as well and with each generation raising Godly Children becomes not so difficult. I hope you lived Happily Ever After today! Goodnight Love Isca

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Sometimes life feels like a circus. In this three ring circus I often feel like I am the juggler. Each responsibility in my life represents a different ball. One for my husband, one for my kids, one for my home, work, finances, health, God, you get the idea. With so many balls in the air it is inevitable that some will fall to the ground and may be left there a while unattended. The balls will sit there until the juggler can finagle it up off the ground and back in the air again without dropping any other balls in the process. With my husbands surgery it felt as though every other ball was on the ground except for the one ball that represented my husband. I don't know why but, the one thing was all I was able to handle and I let everything else just fall to the ground. Thankfully none of the other things I usually keep up in the air are so far gone that I can't pick them up and get them moving again but it made me think about my priorities. In picking all my responsibilities back up and juggling them in the air again I'm reminded of the following scriptures
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Deuteronomy 6:5-7 5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
The truth is that no matter how many things I am juggling in my life, God wants to be top priority. The amazing thing is that if I put Him first He will give me the ability to keep everything else up as well. With God as my top priority I am able to not only be an amazing juggler in this circus called life, but God allows me to be an exceptional juggler like the ones who juggle with one hand or can juggle the swords and fire without getting burned. If I choose to pick up the ball that represents my relationship with God first everyday God will make sure that all these things will be given to me as well and life won't feel like a circus anymore. I hope you Live Happily Ever After today! Love Isca

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Oh Happy Day

Waiting is a terrible feeling. Especially when you are waiting to hear everything is ok. That's what I am feeling right now. Sitting hear in the lobby waiting to hear my husband is ok. It's now a little after ten AM and we arrived at five thirty AM. With each click if the hands of the clock the knot in my stomach moves higher and higher up my throat. In this moment I can begin to see that Waiting for the unknown is a way to build our faith since as we wait we are drawn towards hoping for the best. Before my husband went away to the operating room he read this to me...Psalm 56:3.
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?
Good News Doctor just came out and said my husband is out of surgery!! Everything went well, my husbands cancer was beginning to infiltrate part of the muscles in his neck and they had to get cut out in addition to some lymph nodes and some of his neck. Doc said good thing we got it out right away... (sigh of relief) Thank you to everyone who prayed for my family. It is a very Happy Day. after all today is not only my daughters 18th birthday but it is the day my Husband begins healing. I pray you live Happily Ever After today. lots of love Isca

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Just keep swimming is the song that is playing over and over in my head. I can hear it in Dory's happy little voice "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming." This pretty much sums up the mode I am currently in. With my husbands surgery 1 day away and an endless task list of things to do it's the only way I have been able to manage. Somehow God has given me the motivation to just do so much stuff around the house. What's amazing is I'm doing more than I have ever done before and still have energy. Now you need to understand that I am in general pretty lazy. I come home from work exhausted and do nothing but cook dinner (most nights) and go to sleep. Cleaning is done by my teenagers and their standard of clean is pretty low. Hopefully, that gives you an idea of my starting point. Since my husband received the diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer, things have happened very quickly and we have barely had an opportunity to even fully grasp what is happening. Despite this, I knowing my husband very well, and I know his recovery would go so much better if the house were to a higher standard of clean then the everyday teenager standard. As you have read in my previous blogs I was able to get some help with the house from momma mia :) but maintaining it clean has been an equally difficult task. I am just grateful to have had the energy and the motivation to keep up with it all and then some. I have even been able to make some strides in the area of laundry and organization. Overall I can only give glory to God for giving me the strength I need, that I can not understand. With everything going on at work these past few days I should be dead when I get home. But instead I am full of energy and ready to serve my family like I have never done before. It makes me think of the scripture in Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint
. I feel as though God has kissed me on the cheek by allowing me to not to just stop and sink to the bottom when things get rough but to have the energy and the motivation to just keep swimming having full confidence that by the grace of God we will make it through and be better for it in the end. I pray you lived happily ever after today. Goodnight, Love Isca

Sunday, January 27, 2013

T.E.A.M Together Everyone Achieves More

You know that saying "you don't know what you got till it's gone." Well, I got a little taste of that when my husband was not able to go out with us today. Unfortunately, he had to stay home and prepare for a medical procedure tomorrow. Me and the girls went to church with out him and then to my sisters house to celebrate our oldest daughters up-coming 18th Birthday. She will turn 18 this week the same day as my husbands surgery so we decided to celebrate it today to ensure that she felt special. The girls and I had lot's of fun with my mom, sister, nieces, nephew, stepdad, and brother-in-law but I still missed my husband. For all you military wives who are routinely apart from their spouses I commend your strength and sacrifice. I was away from him for 1 day and as I sat there singing happy birthday to my girl turning 18 and as we prayed for God to bless her this year I really missed having him there with us. My family felt incomplete. I have been together with my husband since I was 15 years old. This year makes 21 years together and 13 years married. Over the years we have persevered over many ups and downs all the while growing more and more as one. However, I can appreciate these little moments that we are apart because it is moments like these that remind me how special our relationship is. It reminds me even after all these years, of the importance of investing in our marriage and in strengthen our relationship. I came home to my husband who was patiently waiting for us. We just talked a while. His procedure and up-coming surgery is heavy on my heart but I feel confident that together we can weather this storm and persevere because of our love for one another and our love for God. God, my husband, and I are a team. It is only through our relationship with God that our relationship with each other has been able to grow so strong. It reminds me of the scripture in 1 Peter 1:22
Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart
The love God has shown us is an example of the love we show for one another. We are a T.E.A.M because Together Everyone Achieves More. I hope you lived happily ever after today. Goodnight, Lots-of-Love Isca

Saturday, January 26, 2013


In the movie the The Wizard of Oz Dorothy finds herself on a journey to find the Wizard who can help her get back home. At first she is confused about how to begin but finds enlightenment and direction from the happy little song sung by all the little people of munchkin land called "Follow the yellow brick road." She is soon on her way and eventually makes it back home because after all "there is no place like home." As for me, I can feel like Dorothy sometimes in her desperation to make it back home. Working a full time job has it's many rewards and I am grateful to be employed but I often times have a deep longing to be a full time homemaker. I was so grateful for today being Saturday where I was able to really invest some time in just being home with my family. Sleeping in with my husband this am with no alarm nagging us to get up, enjoying breakfast made by the kids, and cleaning my bedroom which desperately needed some TLC. Sitting here in my bed in my nice and clean bedroom just feels so relaxing despite the exhaustion I feel from cleaning it. I do enjoy my job and really enjoy helping my husband financially support our family, but if I had the opportunity to be home full time I would leap at the chance. I know staying home is easier said than done and to all you fulltime homemakers I don't envy your roll because it is easier, but rather because it is more rewarding than exhausting your energy for someone else rather than for my very own family. Either way, this always brings me back to that scripture in Philippians 4:12- 13 where Paul says:
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Although there is no place like home I can learn contentment no matter what my situation because of Christ who gives me strength. This helps me live happily ever after and I hope you live happily ever after too. Goodnight, Isca :)

Friday, January 25, 2013


Thinking back on my teen years I can see clearly that I really was a terrible daughter. Now my mom was not perfect, but she didn't deserve to deal with a lot of talking back, attitude, disobedience, rebellion, pride, anger, cursing, temper, laziness, selfishness, unkindness, and just plain old me being rude. It's sad but I always thought it was my mom that wasn't loving me, when in reality and according to the word it was I that was not loving her. After all in 1 Corinthians 13:4 the "love" scripture starts off with Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs If that is what Love is... Then I was not loving. I'm glad to say I am doing better as my mother's daughter. But what's even more encouraging is that with all that I put her through she never stopped loving me. Now here I am much older with 3 daughters of my own and my Mom is still sacrificing for me and showing me her Love. With everything going on with hubby we have just been so extremely busy. And if we are not busy then we are just plain old tired. With hubby's family on the way to visit us to offer him moral support during the surgery this week I have the added strain of getting my home "company ready". Well my Momma came to the rescue. I give thanks to her and to God for getting my whole house "company ready". I thank God for my mom and just because in his divine wisdom he decided today should be a staff day for teachers so that kept all the kids home today to help clean. It was so amazing to come home to a spic and span clean house. And boy what a weight was lifted off my shoulders. It makes me all the more grateful for mom's especially since tonight I can sleep happily ever after thanks to my Momma Mia. Happily ever after to you tonight. Lots-of-Love, Isca

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Hi Everyone, In general I am a "cup half full" kind of girl which helps when your cup is running a little empty. However, raising teenagers doesn't help make it fill up any faster. :) Today I lost my patience with my girls. I got on them about house work and helping out more etc. What I said definitely needed to be said, but the way I said it was not in the most gentle way. Sure I can blame my behavior on stress and as a result of hubby's Thyroid Cancer diagnosis. Or I could blame it on being so tired and overwhelmed. But the truth is that is no excuse. Good news is that the girls have not only forgiven me they have stepped it up and have helped me so much tonight with cleaning up after dinner and doing some extra house work. Reflecting on my conversation with them I'm reminded of Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. I love my girls sooo much. I know they are not perfect and they know I'm far from perfect, but I know I have to set the example of humility and gentleness in my home. Living out this scripture is a challenge for me since I tend to lean toward the harsh and impatient type of character. But thank God my kids are not only forgiving they are encouraging and help to remind me that no matter what we face there is always opportunity for it to be a bright sunshine day. I hope you lived happily ever after today. Good Night, Love Isca

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

More than I can handle?

Ok, so God won't give me more than I can handle right? It's just lately I've been feeling like I am pretty much at my max and then more and more stuff keeps happening. On top of getting a Thyroid Cancer result for my husband last week, we got news that he would need a total thyroidectomy by next week, my shower broke, my tire has a slow leak, my inspection is due by next week, my battery in the other car is dead, laundry is out of control, and my house needs some serious attention. So what's next... well let's add in that hubby's surgery is scheduled on our daughters 18th birthday. Yes, that's right... so instead of plans to take her to register to vote, buy a lottery ticket, and go out to dinner we will be spending our day in the hospital. I guess God thinks I can handle quite a lot. I must admit I was feeling really overwhelmed with it all and completely unprepared. I found myself scatter brained today and would forget what I was saying mid-sentence because a new thought would jump in my head. I cried today. I haven't cried since I first got the news of the cancer last week. I cried after I tried to get my 12 & 13 year old daughters guidance Counselor on the phone and couldn't. "She is on the other line would you like to leave a voicemail?" is what the lady who answered told me. I said I would hold for her. 1 min later the same question. I said I would hold again. Then she came back saying the counselor was off the phone but not available, however I could leave a message. REALLY? I said no thank you and just hung up. I sat there so annoyed all I could do was cry at my desk. It must be anxiety. Hubby has been having anxiety also and although we know the outcome will be fine since this cancer is "highly treatable' and "the best type of cancer to have" we still feel really worried and just generally bummed out. He will have no thyroid and will be on meds the rest of his life. For some people that's nothing. For hubby it's a big deal. All I can do is surrender it all to God. I keep remembering the scripture in Matthew that says but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well. So don't worry about tomorrow for today has enough trouble to bear. I know that if we just hold tight and be faithful someday we will live happily ever after. Good Night Love Isca

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Nice to meet me ;)

Hi Everyone, My name is Isca (pronounced ēska). Welcome to my blog. I am married to an amazing husband for 12 years (although together for 20). We have three beautiful daughters together. I named this blog Happily Ever After because I know that is all anyone wants is to be happy forever after. Unfortunately, life doesn't always allow that to be the case.:( However, there is hope. We can all still live happily ever after no matter what life throws at us so long as we hold tightly to our faith, love,and hope. Through this blog I don't plan on telling you about a perfect women with a perfect life...but rather an imperfect women with an imperfect life making my happily ever after come true. I hope you enjoy this blog and may you live happily ever after too