Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Just keep swimming is the song that is playing over and over in my head. I can hear it in Dory's happy little voice "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming." This pretty much sums up the mode I am currently in. With my husbands surgery 1 day away and an endless task list of things to do it's the only way I have been able to manage. Somehow God has given me the motivation to just do so much stuff around the house. What's amazing is I'm doing more than I have ever done before and still have energy. Now you need to understand that I am in general pretty lazy. I come home from work exhausted and do nothing but cook dinner (most nights) and go to sleep. Cleaning is done by my teenagers and their standard of clean is pretty low. Hopefully, that gives you an idea of my starting point. Since my husband received the diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer, things have happened very quickly and we have barely had an opportunity to even fully grasp what is happening. Despite this, I knowing my husband very well, and I know his recovery would go so much better if the house were to a higher standard of clean then the everyday teenager standard. As you have read in my previous blogs I was able to get some help with the house from momma mia :) but maintaining it clean has been an equally difficult task. I am just grateful to have had the energy and the motivation to keep up with it all and then some. I have even been able to make some strides in the area of laundry and organization. Overall I can only give glory to God for giving me the strength I need, that I can not understand. With everything going on at work these past few days I should be dead when I get home. But instead I am full of energy and ready to serve my family like I have never done before. It makes me think of the scripture in Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint
. I feel as though God has kissed me on the cheek by allowing me to not to just stop and sink to the bottom when things get rough but to have the energy and the motivation to just keep swimming having full confidence that by the grace of God we will make it through and be better for it in the end. I pray you lived happily ever after today. Goodnight, Love Isca

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