Saturday, January 26, 2013


In the movie the The Wizard of Oz Dorothy finds herself on a journey to find the Wizard who can help her get back home. At first she is confused about how to begin but finds enlightenment and direction from the happy little song sung by all the little people of munchkin land called "Follow the yellow brick road." She is soon on her way and eventually makes it back home because after all "there is no place like home." As for me, I can feel like Dorothy sometimes in her desperation to make it back home. Working a full time job has it's many rewards and I am grateful to be employed but I often times have a deep longing to be a full time homemaker. I was so grateful for today being Saturday where I was able to really invest some time in just being home with my family. Sleeping in with my husband this am with no alarm nagging us to get up, enjoying breakfast made by the kids, and cleaning my bedroom which desperately needed some TLC. Sitting here in my bed in my nice and clean bedroom just feels so relaxing despite the exhaustion I feel from cleaning it. I do enjoy my job and really enjoy helping my husband financially support our family, but if I had the opportunity to be home full time I would leap at the chance. I know staying home is easier said than done and to all you fulltime homemakers I don't envy your roll because it is easier, but rather because it is more rewarding than exhausting your energy for someone else rather than for my very own family. Either way, this always brings me back to that scripture in Philippians 4:12- 13 where Paul says:
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Although there is no place like home I can learn contentment no matter what my situation because of Christ who gives me strength. This helps me live happily ever after and I hope you live happily ever after too. Goodnight, Isca :)

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