Tuesday, February 12, 2013


The famous response to anyone who says "Who ya gonna call?" has always been "Ghostbusters", but lately I find myself asking myself that same question..."Isca, who ya gonna call?" It seems that recently my life has been giving some truth to the saying "it gets worse before it gets better", because this week has gone from bad to worse and then back to ok again. My Husband is now on a low iodine diet which is basically the step before they begin radiation therapy to kill the remaining cancer cells. As a result of this missing element in his body he will begin to feel very fatigued, dizzy, and disorientated among many other symptoms. This is the last phase of it all (Lord Willing) and then we will be able to stabilize his thyroid levels and hopefully get back to our normal life. In the meantime, and in the midst of all this, God has allowed some pretty major heart issues like pride, selfishness, arrogance, disrespect and foolishness to be exposed in some of my daughters. I know that God has allowed these things to be exposed so they can get their hearts discipled early on these heart sins and for that I am very grateful. But all of these issues can begin to make me think that although we are not out of the woods, shouldn't we at least start to see the edge of it? Every time I think I see the edge of this scary and unknown forest, something else happens and reminds me that the edge is still far away. It is during these times that I am reminded of the scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:7
For we live by faith, not by sight.
I think it's very easy for anyone to get lost in the forest of life that is often filled with scary things. This scripture reminded me that it's not about what I see because what may seem like an obstacle will probably end up being a blessing. I find comfort in knowing that "when there is something strange in the neighborhood..." (like it says in the Ghostbusters song) who I'm gonna call is on God and on my fellow brother's and sisters in Christ whom God has called so we may help one another in our time of need. Fortunately, I not only have a very strong family unit I also have a very strong church family unit with many sisters willing to step in and serve my family. We have received so many meals and calls it was almost overwhelming in a positive way. But even more than that I find comfort in knowing that I can call on sisters to help me get to my daughters hearts and who will work with me to ensure my family is walking on the narrow path. So when push comes to shove, who Isca is gonna call will not be Ghostbusters but my God in heaven who is not only a fear buster but a faith builder. May you live Happily After today. Love Isca

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