Monday, February 18, 2013

FOR BETTER or worse

Whoever wrote these wedding vows definitely knew what they were talking about. They must have known that EVERY marriage was going to face periods of “better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and health” Even still there is a part of me that foolishly thinks that after 21 years of being together and 12 years of marriage that we have moved past the worse, poorer, or sickness part of the vow. Then I realize we haven’t. This past weekend my husband and I had the privilege to get away for a whole weekend marriage retreat. He and I have been so super excited about this little get-a-way for weeks. The weekend together had been all we have had to look forward to since the thyroid cancer diagnosis. Over the weekend we definitely had some great moments where we were able to reconnect, talk, and just have some fun together (Better). We also had some moments were we struggled with one another , were less than patient, and even had some hurt feelings(Worse). Over the weekend I kept hearing the following scripture being read in the classes: Ephesians 5:21-24
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Vs33b and the wife much respect her husband.
I must confess that as a young disciple I did not appreciate this scripture at all. I viewed submitting to my husband as something only a stupid, weak women would do. Not me. I realized over time and through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ that it takes so much strength and wisdom to be able to submit. I am still growing in this area and was reminded of that this weekend. The amazing thing is that I have begun to see my faith in God built up whenever I let go of my will and submit to Him by submitting to my husband. Knowing that by submitting to my husband I am submitting ultimately to God helps me to speak to my husband with respect in my word choices, tone, and facial expression. This scripture empowers me with the tools needed to allow my husband to feel respected and in turn I can feel my husbands love for me grow more and more each time I show him I respect him. Respecting him is my choice. I once read that in the heat of the moment, I can choose to stand up for my rights or I can stand up for what is Righteous. One will probably make my husband resent me and the other will help him to love me as Christ loved the church. Over the past years all I continue to learn is that in marriage we will always have our ups and downs but ultimately its not about giving up on our marriage but rather giving up on my will and submitting to God so that through Him, we can have so many more days of "Better, Richer, and Health" and live happily ever after. I hope you lived happily ever after today too. Lots-of-love, Isca

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