Sunday, February 10, 2013

Reflection of Me

Raising Godly children is a very difficult task. Every stage of motherhood has had it's own unique challenges and rewards even without adding in the additional challenge of raising them to fear and respect the Lord. I heard it said today that God gave us children not because we are amazing parents but so that our children can be a reflection of us so that through them we can better see who we really are before God. However, seeing them for who they really are is not an easy task. It's so easy to get caught up in the fact that we love them that we can often overlook their sins. Over the years and with the help of my husband, sisters in the church, family, and God's word I have been able to really "see" the character of my children. I must admit many times I am really happy with what I see. Those are the times when I see them considering others above themselves, when I see them loving one another, loving God, being respectful, serving others, and just doing their best. These are also the times when I get compliments from people on how wonderful my children are or when they receive an award or recognition that puts a smile on my face from ear to ear. But God expects me to also "see" the truth about their sin as well. Like acknowledging my daughter is being arrogant when she thinks she can go a day without reading her bible or praying. Or when I have to admit my daughter is manipulative when she pressures me to give into her request even after I have repeatedly said no. Or seeing that my daughter is disrespectful for talking back and rolling her eyes ever so slightly. I have to very diligent about seeing the truth in their hearts so that I may be able to train them in righteousness. This reminds me of the scripture:
1 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
It is my job as their mom to ensure my girls are thoroughly equipped for every good work. This is also God's way of ensuring I am thoroughly equipped as well. I can see my reflection in my girls in so many ways. Every time God allows me to see something new in their heart it forces me to evaluate that in my heart as well. I find encouragement in knowing that as time goes on my reflection gets better and better. Lord willing my daughters will impress the fear of the Lord on their children as well and with each generation raising Godly Children becomes not so difficult. I hope you lived Happily Ever After today! Goodnight Love Isca

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