Thursday, January 24, 2013


Hi Everyone, In general I am a "cup half full" kind of girl which helps when your cup is running a little empty. However, raising teenagers doesn't help make it fill up any faster. :) Today I lost my patience with my girls. I got on them about house work and helping out more etc. What I said definitely needed to be said, but the way I said it was not in the most gentle way. Sure I can blame my behavior on stress and as a result of hubby's Thyroid Cancer diagnosis. Or I could blame it on being so tired and overwhelmed. But the truth is that is no excuse. Good news is that the girls have not only forgiven me they have stepped it up and have helped me so much tonight with cleaning up after dinner and doing some extra house work. Reflecting on my conversation with them I'm reminded of Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. I love my girls sooo much. I know they are not perfect and they know I'm far from perfect, but I know I have to set the example of humility and gentleness in my home. Living out this scripture is a challenge for me since I tend to lean toward the harsh and impatient type of character. But thank God my kids are not only forgiving they are encouraging and help to remind me that no matter what we face there is always opportunity for it to be a bright sunshine day. I hope you lived happily ever after today. Good Night, Love Isca

1 comment:

  1. Our children see ALL of our character flaws, so to be able to humble yourself before them is truly a learning experience for everyone involved. Keep up the great job of Motherhood :)
