Monday, February 18, 2013

FOR BETTER or worse

Whoever wrote these wedding vows definitely knew what they were talking about. They must have known that EVERY marriage was going to face periods of “better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and health” Even still there is a part of me that foolishly thinks that after 21 years of being together and 12 years of marriage that we have moved past the worse, poorer, or sickness part of the vow. Then I realize we haven’t. This past weekend my husband and I had the privilege to get away for a whole weekend marriage retreat. He and I have been so super excited about this little get-a-way for weeks. The weekend together had been all we have had to look forward to since the thyroid cancer diagnosis. Over the weekend we definitely had some great moments where we were able to reconnect, talk, and just have some fun together (Better). We also had some moments were we struggled with one another , were less than patient, and even had some hurt feelings(Worse). Over the weekend I kept hearing the following scripture being read in the classes: Ephesians 5:21-24
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Vs33b and the wife much respect her husband.
I must confess that as a young disciple I did not appreciate this scripture at all. I viewed submitting to my husband as something only a stupid, weak women would do. Not me. I realized over time and through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ that it takes so much strength and wisdom to be able to submit. I am still growing in this area and was reminded of that this weekend. The amazing thing is that I have begun to see my faith in God built up whenever I let go of my will and submit to Him by submitting to my husband. Knowing that by submitting to my husband I am submitting ultimately to God helps me to speak to my husband with respect in my word choices, tone, and facial expression. This scripture empowers me with the tools needed to allow my husband to feel respected and in turn I can feel my husbands love for me grow more and more each time I show him I respect him. Respecting him is my choice. I once read that in the heat of the moment, I can choose to stand up for my rights or I can stand up for what is Righteous. One will probably make my husband resent me and the other will help him to love me as Christ loved the church. Over the past years all I continue to learn is that in marriage we will always have our ups and downs but ultimately its not about giving up on our marriage but rather giving up on my will and submitting to God so that through Him, we can have so many more days of "Better, Richer, and Health" and live happily ever after. I hope you lived happily ever after today too. Lots-of-love, Isca

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


The famous response to anyone who says "Who ya gonna call?" has always been "Ghostbusters", but lately I find myself asking myself that same question..."Isca, who ya gonna call?" It seems that recently my life has been giving some truth to the saying "it gets worse before it gets better", because this week has gone from bad to worse and then back to ok again. My Husband is now on a low iodine diet which is basically the step before they begin radiation therapy to kill the remaining cancer cells. As a result of this missing element in his body he will begin to feel very fatigued, dizzy, and disorientated among many other symptoms. This is the last phase of it all (Lord Willing) and then we will be able to stabilize his thyroid levels and hopefully get back to our normal life. In the meantime, and in the midst of all this, God has allowed some pretty major heart issues like pride, selfishness, arrogance, disrespect and foolishness to be exposed in some of my daughters. I know that God has allowed these things to be exposed so they can get their hearts discipled early on these heart sins and for that I am very grateful. But all of these issues can begin to make me think that although we are not out of the woods, shouldn't we at least start to see the edge of it? Every time I think I see the edge of this scary and unknown forest, something else happens and reminds me that the edge is still far away. It is during these times that I am reminded of the scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:7
For we live by faith, not by sight.
I think it's very easy for anyone to get lost in the forest of life that is often filled with scary things. This scripture reminded me that it's not about what I see because what may seem like an obstacle will probably end up being a blessing. I find comfort in knowing that "when there is something strange in the neighborhood..." (like it says in the Ghostbusters song) who I'm gonna call is on God and on my fellow brother's and sisters in Christ whom God has called so we may help one another in our time of need. Fortunately, I not only have a very strong family unit I also have a very strong church family unit with many sisters willing to step in and serve my family. We have received so many meals and calls it was almost overwhelming in a positive way. But even more than that I find comfort in knowing that I can call on sisters to help me get to my daughters hearts and who will work with me to ensure my family is walking on the narrow path. So when push comes to shove, who Isca is gonna call will not be Ghostbusters but my God in heaven who is not only a fear buster but a faith builder. May you live Happily After today. Love Isca

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Reflection of Me

Raising Godly children is a very difficult task. Every stage of motherhood has had it's own unique challenges and rewards even without adding in the additional challenge of raising them to fear and respect the Lord. I heard it said today that God gave us children not because we are amazing parents but so that our children can be a reflection of us so that through them we can better see who we really are before God. However, seeing them for who they really are is not an easy task. It's so easy to get caught up in the fact that we love them that we can often overlook their sins. Over the years and with the help of my husband, sisters in the church, family, and God's word I have been able to really "see" the character of my children. I must admit many times I am really happy with what I see. Those are the times when I see them considering others above themselves, when I see them loving one another, loving God, being respectful, serving others, and just doing their best. These are also the times when I get compliments from people on how wonderful my children are or when they receive an award or recognition that puts a smile on my face from ear to ear. But God expects me to also "see" the truth about their sin as well. Like acknowledging my daughter is being arrogant when she thinks she can go a day without reading her bible or praying. Or when I have to admit my daughter is manipulative when she pressures me to give into her request even after I have repeatedly said no. Or seeing that my daughter is disrespectful for talking back and rolling her eyes ever so slightly. I have to very diligent about seeing the truth in their hearts so that I may be able to train them in righteousness. This reminds me of the scripture:
1 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
It is my job as their mom to ensure my girls are thoroughly equipped for every good work. This is also God's way of ensuring I am thoroughly equipped as well. I can see my reflection in my girls in so many ways. Every time God allows me to see something new in their heart it forces me to evaluate that in my heart as well. I find encouragement in knowing that as time goes on my reflection gets better and better. Lord willing my daughters will impress the fear of the Lord on their children as well and with each generation raising Godly Children becomes not so difficult. I hope you lived Happily Ever After today! Goodnight Love Isca

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Sometimes life feels like a circus. In this three ring circus I often feel like I am the juggler. Each responsibility in my life represents a different ball. One for my husband, one for my kids, one for my home, work, finances, health, God, you get the idea. With so many balls in the air it is inevitable that some will fall to the ground and may be left there a while unattended. The balls will sit there until the juggler can finagle it up off the ground and back in the air again without dropping any other balls in the process. With my husbands surgery it felt as though every other ball was on the ground except for the one ball that represented my husband. I don't know why but, the one thing was all I was able to handle and I let everything else just fall to the ground. Thankfully none of the other things I usually keep up in the air are so far gone that I can't pick them up and get them moving again but it made me think about my priorities. In picking all my responsibilities back up and juggling them in the air again I'm reminded of the following scriptures
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Deuteronomy 6:5-7 5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
The truth is that no matter how many things I am juggling in my life, God wants to be top priority. The amazing thing is that if I put Him first He will give me the ability to keep everything else up as well. With God as my top priority I am able to not only be an amazing juggler in this circus called life, but God allows me to be an exceptional juggler like the ones who juggle with one hand or can juggle the swords and fire without getting burned. If I choose to pick up the ball that represents my relationship with God first everyday God will make sure that all these things will be given to me as well and life won't feel like a circus anymore. I hope you Live Happily Ever After today! Love Isca