Sunday, March 3, 2013


So I'm hearing the song "Welcome Back" from the old show called "Welcome Back Carter". (You tube it if you don't know.) It's been a while since my last post and I'm hearing this song because I wanted to welcome you all back as well. Truth is I have been gone simply because there has been so many things going on. Update: My husband has now completed the Radiation therapy and is also out of the seven day quarantine. The whole experience has been exhausting to say the least. I'm hopeful we have reached the end of this journey and pending one final result from a body scan, are anxiously awaiting a cancer free diagnosis. So much has happened in such a short period of time and thinking back there were definitely moments where I thought we couldn't do it. Moments like when my husband was on his second week of the Iodine Free diet and on the fourth day of quarantine and he was feeling so nauseas. He couldn't stand to eat anything and I spent 2 hours preparing an iodine free chicken stew that would taste like the real thing and prevent him from barfing. Thankfully, when he finally ate it, he said it tasted so good he nearly wept. Then to top it off he was struggling with flu like symptoms the entire time and no one could come near him to comfort him. Not to mention I was super displaced and left bunking with my daughter for the week and all my clothes were in the hall. In addition to all this, I was still working a full time schedule and without fail had drama at the office every single day. And as if I needed more icing on my already loaded cake, I had to manage this household, deal with a flat tire, failed inspection on my van, passed due registration, speeding ticket, kids events, and do my part in helping with entertainment at my church's upcoming Women's Day. I can tell you I had many moments crying out to God in my car just for some strength to keep moving. All we could do was take it one day at a time until we finally got to today. Today my husband came to church with me and for the first time looked more like his pre-thyroid cancer self. He starts work again tomorrow and we are looking forward to moving on from this whole ordeal. Yes, he will need to take medication daily and follow-up with his endocrinologist regularly, that has changed but it doesn't mean we can't live a normal life. I hate to admit that I had my moments of doubt and discouragement but I did. I had those moments when I doubted Gods Love for me and my family and questioned whether or not He really loved me cause if He did love me why was he allowing us to go through all of this. This scripture came to mind:
Psalm 34:17-19 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all;
This Scripture reminded me that no matter what I'm going through I am not alone because the Lord is close to me and my family. This scripture brings me encouragement and gives me the courage to be faithful during times of trouble having faith and confidence that the Lord will deliver us. I now know that God allowed us to go through this time to show me His glory, power, and faithfulness. In the future when troubles come my way I know that I can count on My God to be close to me and I will wait on him to deliver me from them all. This helps me live Happily Ever After no matter what I face. I pray you live happily ever after too. Lots-of-Love, Isca